Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

Paper of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC)


In human life, everything has progressed, it can not be separated from the existing process in humans to learn new things to find new things that can help people live life. When the process is stopped at a time so people can be said to be developed or did not learn.
Moh. Surya (Sri Rumini et al, 1995: 59) states that learning is a process of individual efforts to acquire a new behavior changes as a whole, as a result of the individual's own experience in interaction with the environment. According to Herman Hudojo (2001: 33), experiential learning is a process not a product. Not any learning experience will ensure the process of interaction between students and mathematical material presented. The selection criteria require a learning experience so that learning experience to ensure that we select the interaction between students and math materials.
Mathematics teachers in the learning process tend to use conventional learning models. learning process tends to concentrate on the teacher. Active teachers explaining passive while the majority of students in learning, students are just doing what they're told or recorded by the teacher even when presenting the work of students, teachers should force some students to come forward to present the results of their work to the class. Students are not afraid to be critical and ask if there is something less understood. Generally, students easily give up if you experience difficulties in solving mathematical problems. Students prefer to copy his answers on the board rather than trying to finish the job.
Because students showed a lack of interactive learning mathematics so that the value and optimal student achievement, this paper will describe the type of cooperative learning model CIRC (Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition) as an effort to increase student interaction in the learning of mathematics.

B. Problem Formulation
Accordingly,this paper tried to explain the particulars of cooperative integrated reading and  composition is relatively intact and complete so that we can recognize it better and be able to place them proportionally among the various ethnic and other learning methodologies are now also developed and popular in Indonesia. Insuccession, this paper describes:
A.    What is the definition of CIRC?
B.     What are the components of CIRC?
C.     What are the main activities of  CIRC?
D.    What are the application of CIRC?
E.     What are the advantages of CIRC learning model?
F.      What are the disadvantages of CIRC model in cooperative learning?
C.    Papers Purpose
For insight increase and realize in detail about cooperative learning with Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition


A. Definition of
                          Integrated Reading and Composition, including one learning cooperative learning model which was originally a unified cooperative teaching reading and writing (Steven and Slavin in Nur, 2000:8) is a comprehensive program or a spacious and fully equipped for the teaching of reading and writing classes high school. However, the CIRC has grown not only used in language lessons but also subjects like math inexact.
Cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) technique, one of the learning techniques based on cooperation, is designed to develop reading, writing and other language skills in the upper grades of primary education. CIRC technique presents a structure that increases not only opportunities for direct teaching inreading and writing but also applicability of composition writing techniques (Açıkgöz, 1992; Yaman, 1999).
CIRC technique is developed to support traditionallyused “skill-based reading groups” approach. Firstly, reading groups are established in the classroom. Next, students are paired off within the groups. When the teacher works with a reading group, couples try to teach each other meaningful reading and writing skills by using reciprocal learning technique. They help each other in performing basic skill-building activities (such as oralreading, contextual guessing, asking questions,summarizing, writing a composition based on the story,  revising-correcting composition). In general, team books are published at the end of this process. Teams are rewarded for all reading and writing assignments on the basis of the average performance of group members. Thus, equal change for achievement, group support for achievement, and the performance, all basic components of cooperative learning ensure realization of personal responsibility (Senemo Lu, 1997; Slavin 1980).

B. Components of CIRC

            CIRC  model in Suyitno according to Slavin (2005: 3-4) has eight components. The eight components include:
           1. Teams, namely the formation of a heterogeneous group consisting of 4 or 5 students;
     2. Placement test, for example, is obtained from the average value of daily tests based on                          previous or grades that teachers know the strengths and weaknesses of students in a particular field;
    3. Student creative, perform the task in a group to create a situation where individual                                success is determined or influenced by the success of the group;
    4. Team study, the stage of learning actions to be implemented by the group and the                                  teacher gives assistance to groups that need it;
     5. Team leading scorer and team recognition, namely the scoring on the work group and                            provide criteria for the award of the brilliantly successful group and a group that is seen as less successful in completing the task;
           6. Teaching group, which provides a brief matter of teachers towards group work;
    7. Facts test, namely the implementation of test or quiz based on facts obtained by the                              students;
    8. Whole-class units, namely providing a summary of the material by the teacher at the                              end of time learning with problem-solving strategies.
C. The Main Activities of CIRC
            The main activities in the CIRC to resolve the problem solving includes a series of activities with specific, namely:
            1. One member of the group or read about,
            2. Making predictions about the contents or interpretation of problem solving, including                            the write down what is known, what is being asked and letting in question with a                                variable,
            3. Mutual create an overview / settlement plan about problem solving,
            4. Writing a settlement about problem solving in order, and
            5. Mutual revise and edit your work / completion (Suyitno, 2005:4).
D. The Application of CIRC
            The application of learning models CIRC to enhance the problem solving can be reached by:
    Teacher explains a subject of mathematics to students, this study used worksheets that contain material that will be taught at each meeting
      Teacher gives exercises
  Teachers are ready to train students to improve student skills in solving problems through the application of problem-solving model of CIRC
      Teachers form groups of heterogeneous students
      Teachers prepare about solving the problem in the form of cards and distribute them to each group
      Teachers told that in each group there were a series of activities with specific
      Each group works on the principal activities of the CIRC. Teachers supervise the work of the group
      Chairman of the group reported success or barriers
      Chairman of the group should be able to establish that each member has to understand, and can do the problem solving the given problem
      The teacher asks the class representatives to present findings
      Teachers act as resource persons or facilitators
      Teacher gives assignment / homework individually
      Teachers disperse groups and students return to their seats
      Teacher repeats in the classical problem solving strategies on problem solving
      Teacher gives quiz
E. The Advantages of CIRC

      CIRC is ideal to enhance students' skills in problem solving to solve problems
      The dominance of the teacher in the learning decreases
      Students are motivated on the results carefully, because working in groups
      Students can understand the meaning of questions and check each job
      Helping weak students
      Improving learning outcomes especially in solving the problem in the form of problem-solving
      Experience and learning activities students will always be relevant to the child's developmental level;
      all learning more meaningful for the students so that the learning outcomes of the students will be able to last longer

F. The Disadvantagess of CIRC

      Requires substantial time
      It is difficult to set the class to be quiet so that the classes tend to be crowded


A. Conclusion
Based on the explanation above it can be seen that the model of Cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC), one of the learning techniques based on cooperation, is designed to develop reading, writing and other language skills in the upper grades of primary education.  The advantages of this technique is the optimization of student participation.
Firstly, reading groups are established in the classroom. Next, students are paired off within the groups. When the teacher works with a reading group, couples try to teach each other meaningful reading and writing skills by using reciprocal learning technique. They help each other in performing basic skill-building activities (such as oralreading, contextual guessing, asking questions,summarizing, writing a composition based on the story,  revising-correcting composition). In general, team books are published at the end of this process. Teams are rewarded for all reading and writing assignments on the basis of the average performance of group members. Thus, equal change for achievement, group support for achievement, and the performance, all basic components of cooperative learning ensure realization of personal responsibility.
So this paper the authors say.The authors are aware that this paper is far from perfect and therefore the authors accept criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this paper.

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1 komentar:

  1. Components of CIRC
    CIRC model in Suyitno according to Slavin (2005: 3-4) has eight components.

    itu referencenya mana ya?!
    tlong sgera blas..
